Event Agenda


9:30 am - 9:40 am

Opening and Welcome to Upgrade Your Brain Conference

Founder of the Nutrition Collective, Romina Melwani looks forward to welcoming you to this much needed event. Be prepared to explore solutions for the escalating mental health problems.

9:45 am - 10:20 am

The Four Horsemen of the Mental Health Apocalypse

Patrick Holford: Leading spokesman on nutrition and mental health and founder of The Food for the Brain Foundation

Patrick will introduce the 4 pillars that are responsible for the global brain health emergency. His session will cover the root causes of this brain drain whilst offering the right solutions.

10:25 am - 11:05 am

From Gums to Guts - The Gut-Brain Superhighway

Dr. Victoria Sampson: Award Winning Functional Dentist and Researcher

Victoria will share the research and connections between chronic oral dysbiosis and systemic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s with inflammation being a common link.

11:10 am - 11.40 am

Evaluating Stress & HPA Axis Dysfunction

Dr. Nigel Abraham: Lead Researcher and Scientifics & Laboratory Director for CNSLab

The challenge for today’s clinician is in assessing the status of an individual’s stress response system and relating that status to the individual’s clinical presentation. Discover the HPA Axis & Stress Profile from CNSLab, an innovative assessment utilising salivary measurements of cortisol and DHEA, and several other key markers

11.40 am - 12.00 pm

Discovering the Plaform/Visiting Sponsor booths/Networking

We welcome you to explore our platform by visiting the Sponsor Hall, interacting with sponsor representatives and colleagues at the Networking Lounge.

12.00 pm - 12:30 pm

How Metabolic Mayhem Threatens the Brain

Dr David Perlmutter: Board-Certified Neurologist and Six-Time New York Times Bestselling Author takes you on a journey revealing the truth about amyloid and anti-amyloid treatments, insulin, inflammation, exercise and the brain’s metabolism, as well as why nitric oxide is good news and mouthwash is bad news

12:30 pm - 13:00 pm

Fixing a leaky Brain Barrier

Dr Sabine Donnai - Founder and Chief Executive of Viavi

Sabine will be presenting on fixing a leaky blood brain barrier for dementia prevention and will share tools to help the brain functional optimally.

13:00 pm - 13:30 pm

Lunch Break/Visiting Exhibitors booths/Networking

This is your opportunity to interact with our Sponsors and discover their innovative product offerings by visiting the Sponsor Hall. Connect with colleagues and speakers at the Networking Lounge.

13:30 pm - 14:15 pm

Ketotherapeutics in Mental Ilness

Dr Georgia Ede : Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in nutrition science and brain

Georgia shares the surprising truth about brain food with the cutting-edge science of brain metabolism to optimize your mental health.

14:10 pm - 14:40 pm

Mind Empowerment: Natural Strategies for Brain Power & Clarity

Kristiina Singer, MSc: Clinical Nutritionist, Educator for Biogena & Micronutrient-Coach, Austria

There are evidence-based micronutrients and phytochemicals for maintaining and improving brain performance across all life stages. Kristina will share the key nutrient needs for cognitive function and practical tools and knowledge at better supporting your clients to naturally enhance brain function.

14:40 pm - 15:20 pm

A Systems-Based Approach to Cognitive Function

Tommy Wood- Assistant Professor of Paediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington

Tommy will uncover why cognitive demand may be important in preventing devastating neurological disorders like dementia. He will discuss and offer solutions to optimizing human health and cognitive function.

15.20 pm - 15.55 pm

Panel discussion

With Patrick Holford, Sabine Donnai and Tommy Wood

Joining The Dots For A Brain Upgrade

16.00 pm - 16.15 pm

Discovering the Plaform/Visiting Sponsor booths/Networking

We welcome you to explore our platform by visiting the Sponsor Hall, interacting with sponsor representatives and colleagues at the Networking Lounge.

16:15 pm - 16:45 pm

Detoxification for Better Brains: Introduction to Quicksilver's Push-Catch Method

Dr. Christopher Shade, PhD, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific

Dr. Shade will walk us through how toxins impact brain function and cognitive decline and outline cellular and systemic mechanisms for proper detoxification. He will also introduce us to Quicksilver Scientific's Detoxification Product and Protocols for better patient outcomes.

16:45 pm - 17.25 pm

Omega 3: A Key to Transforming Brain Health

Prof. Bill Harris: Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Sanford School

17:30 pm - 18:00 pm

No Way to Sugar-Coat Dementia

Dr Robert Lustig MD is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco. Making the case that food is the only lever we have to effect biochemical change to improve our health, Lustig will dive into to eat based on two novel criteria: protect the liver, and feed the gut.

18.00 pm - 18:15 pm

Upgrade Your Brain in Review: Recap and Summing up of key insights from the day

Romina Melwani
Patrick Holford
Louise Ritchie
Lucia Stansbie

After a day filled with illuminating presentations and insightful discussions, we come together to review and summarize the invaluable contributions of today's esteemed speakers, charting a course towards enhanced cognitive wellness and vitality.

There are 8 essentials for building new brain cells at any age, fuel your brain for better memory and connectivity, and keep your brain young and functionally fit at any age. This conference covers these 8 brain essentials to effect a brain upgrade.